At SRB Capital, our passion is maximizing Employee Retention Credit (ERC) Refunds for businesses across the country
for which they are entitled.

Who We Are

In late 2020, significant changes were made to the little-known Employee Retention Credit. Shortly after the rewriting, many businesses began completing their year-end financials. As with many owners, our payroll processor provided a brief description of the ERC program and asked if we wanted to participate for a fee.
After being informed of the results and fees, there were questions. What was the ERC about? How did we qualify? When would we see the Refund? That began the journey that has brought us both here, right now, as you read this…

They got it wrong!

The payroll processors, the CPA’s, the accountants... Everyone had left “money on the table” for our business. We decided then and there to not let this be commonplace. Knowing how much these Refunds can impact a business, we spent countless hours developing our system, our method, our service, your ERC Refund. That is who we are!

The Complete ERC Solution

Shaking Hands

Dedicated Team

Every member of the SRB team wants to see your business succeed

Person Thinking

Best Advisors

Help navigate the ERC program to build for your future



There when you need us, every step of the way

Continued Success


While the Employee Retention Credit is only available for a limited time, SRB Capital will be with you well into the future. Some of the benefits of partnering with us: advising on additional ERC Refunds and best practices to capitalize on this opportunity.


Asset Planning

Let us help develop your plan for the ERC funds before they arrive

Conversation Bubbles

Business Planning

Plan ahead to make the most out of your Refund

Climbing a Mountain

Business Growth

Your business can benefit for years to come with smart use of the ERC

We Offer The Best

You can find other ERC solutions, none of which will come with the attention to detail, level of professionalism, reliable results, and shared vision of your success.

Business Strategy and Planning

Work with us amd take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the Employee Retention Credit!

Complete Package

SRB Capital will provide you with all the necessary documents to get your ERC, quickly!

Leadership team

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Tell us about you!

While you're here, we'd love to meet you and show you how we can help.

Contact Information

How many EINs do you have ownership in?

How many employees are there in your organization(s)?

Are you ready to start your Employee Retention Credit experience?

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